Monday, February 4, 2013

Video of the Neon Dancers

From last friday night at the Maplewood Talent Show.  Preston is in the front on the far right, Parley is 2nd from the left also in green.  They had a lot of fun.

Enjoy the video

Pile Up game

The boys created a great new game on the couch this weekend.  No one was taken to the hospital so we can call it a success.  Nathan gets creamed by pillow at the very end, just as I was ending the video, but it is pretty nice initial action.  This was the beginning round of many, many rounds.......

Here is the video

Saturday, February 2, 2013

After the talent show with Laura

Neon green Talent

After last nights school talent show. 

Parley's Mowing business started today

I guess this runs in the family.....

Last week Parley got his sights set on a go cart, and started making plans to earn the money.   So this morning he left the house with a lawn Mower and a rake and started through the neighborhood looking for lawns to mow.  He barely mentioned his plan to Margee and I.  By the time I got out there to check on him he was already mowing his first lawn.  Sure proud of his entrepreneurial initiative.